Techne Summit Alexandria -2022

It was a Great opportunity to be Part of Techne Summit 2022 Alexandria

Techne Summit , the renowned international entrepreneurship technology event that acts as a platform by including the main global players in the technology industry

It is also an opportunity for startups to grow in the Middle East &North Africa region by connecting with investors and distributors by showcasing their products and acquiring funding for their businesses as well as foster the exchange of ideas and experience across various regions worldwide.

The Summit aims to create a platform where booming startups in the technology market are able to showcase their latest innovations, granting their products or services greater visibility among industry professionals and enthusiasts.

Similarly participants will have access to the latest innovations and recent business trends, therefore gaining exposure and increased knowledge in the field. Similarly investors will be able explore new areas of potential business collaboration and success, paving the way to mutual business growth for all participating parties.

The event aims to ultimately develop the technology industry by fostering the mindset of decentralization within the field and building bridges of informational and cultural exchange between regions. An important goal of Techne Summit is to also grow the contribution of conference tourism to the city of Alexandria and in turn Egypt.

Our Team at Alexandria Techne Summit. See You all next year!